Adding Form Data

To add form data:

  1. On the eForms page menu, click the type of form you want to add.

The form name is given to the form during the design phase of the form.

  1. Click the Add button.

This first form that displays is the packet header.

  1. Enter summary information about the packet, similar to the subject information of an email.

You can enter the following information:

  • Description. Enter important summary information.
  • Location. This is tied to the permission table and provides the permission to the form.
  • Type. Further descriptive information about the form (optional).
  • Facilities. The first three characters of the facility are used to number the form (optional).
  • Notes. Additional important notes about the form (optional).
  1. After entering your information, click the Save button.
  2. If you would like to add attachments (external documents) to the packet header, click the Choose File button and select attachments.

There is no limit to the number of attachments. Once a document is attached you can delete or rename it if the packet header is in edit mode.

  1. After adding attachments, click the Save button. For a manual form, click the Exit/Cancel button to display the preview icon for the attached documents.
  2. If form navigation is turned on, select the individual forms by clicking on the tab for each form.

The names of the forms vary depending on the design of the form.

  1. For a manual form, click the Edit button.

You must have permission to the specified location to edit the forms.

  1. After entering the data into the form, click the Save button.
  2. You can continue entering data into the other forms or click Send Notification (for manual forms) or Finished/Next Step (for forms attached to workflows) to notify individuals of continued input.

The Send Notification tab, along with associated activities, can be added to the form during the design phase.

If a form is a standalone form (i.e., not attached to a workflow) and the Save button is clicked prior to completing all the required fields, an error message will display at the top of the form and the fields that require an entry will be highlighted in red, as shown below.

If the form is attached to a workflow, you will not be required to complete all required fields until you select the designed workflow tab that goes to the next step. Required fields are displayed in blue, as shown below.

To quickly scroll to the bottom of the page, press the Ctrl-End keys.